Terra Santa

Jerusalem, Bethlehem, la Palestine…


Jerusalem, Muslim Quarter

Jerusalem, in the Muslim Quarter

Lion's gate

The Lion’s Gate باب الاسباط

Coffee on the street, watching the flow

Coffee on the street, watching the flow

From the Wailing Wall

From the Wailing Wall, at night

On the Mount of Olives

Mount of Olives, in the shadow

L'hôpital français de Jérusalem

L’hôpital français de Jérusalem

Bethlehem, street market

Bethlehem, street market. Toy guns made in China and any cheap stuff you’d dream of buying.

Via Dolorosa, under the mosque's loudspeakers

Via Dolorosa, under the mosque’s loudspeakers

While on Friday thousands of faithful rush towards the Dome of the Rock

While thousands of faithful rush towards the Dome of the Rock, I seek refuge in this quiet cemetery (just about when all the bells of the city start to blast)

Les oliviers millénaires

Les oliviers millénaires du mont éponyme.

Bethlehem. The Omar Bin al Khatab Mosque.

Bethlehem. The Omar Bin al Khatab Mosque.

A street in Jaffa. Or is it somewhere in Europe?

A street in Jaffa. Or is it somewhere in Europe?

Tel Aviv,  the city that never sleeps, or just cannot... A thousand years later

Tel Aviv, A thousand years later. The city that never sleeps, or simply, for whatever reason, just cannot…

Au menu, du poisson...

Jaffa, vieille ville. Au menu: du poisson…

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