
Life in the big durian

Bajaj station Kemang

The bougainvillaes flowering in the dirt.

Around and around, for hours.

Jalan Pemuda, Jakarta Timur. Tire station on the sidewalk.

Tertidur… (A little nap in the shade)


Moving market. Here tomatoes and mangoes.

Cleaning the dirt with a large smile. These guys search for plastic to be recycled, and are usually looked down on by the rest of the population, especially the uncaring “nouveaux riches” . They do a great job though, for an average dollar a day.

Bus bridges, accessing the trans-Jakarta system: a pale substitute for the non-existent and much needed MRT (monorail) system. Every day here 20 million people try to move back and forth in a city jammed with vehicles…

While, in the many fancy bars and restaurants, the party goes on…

Unggie at Cork & Screw

Living on tires.

Gerobak makanan (man-pulled food cart). Quite handy at lunch time.

Ngopi dengan pak Harish (enjoying a coffee in a  small “warung kopi” on the side of the street). The coffee is thick, very sweet and served in a shady glass.

“Nongkrong” (sitting idly) in Kemang Utara.



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